Here's a Provisional Line-up for the Evening of
Saturday, 30 January 2016
We're broadcasting from the spanking new facility at 102 Witherspoon Street. Here's how to get there.
Nassau Street separates the town from the university in downtown Princeton. An iron gate demarcates the campus where Witherspoon Street T-intersects with Nassau Street at the traffic light in front of that gate. Take Witherspoon Street down from Nassau, past Hulfish Street on the left. The next left is Paul Robeson Place. The Princeton Arts Council's Paul Robeson Center is on the northwest corner of the intersection of Witherspoon and Paul Robeson Place. There is often on-street parking and there are many reasonable parking garages nearby. If you've got lots of equipment, see us in the rotunda lobby of the Paul Robeson Center, and we'll give you the best access to an elevator up to Cafe Improv in the Solley Theater. Find Cafe Improv onFACEBOOK

Booking: John Irving (609) 933-9155 - mobile (609) 921-3857 - home Online Form

7:20 pm
Tom Florek & Mary Michaels
Show Openers
Tom Florek, our Emcee and crew-chief, will do an initial warm-up with TV director Mary Michaels. These talented and good-looking musicians will ease the audience into an evening of celebrity headliners.
7:40 pm

Vasilisa Seneko -- Homage to Shirley T.

At the Arts Council in Princeton on January 23, 2016

If you come to Princeton on January 23rd and intend to shop
You may find yourself harkened back to the good ship lollipop
At the Arts Council where Shirley Temple look-alike Vasilisa will play
Melodies which bring you back to the sunny beach of Peppermint Bay.
Golden locks and gleaming smiles are everywhere.
The sound of tapping patent leather shoes fills the air.
At the corner of Witherspoon and Robeson Place, there you are
Humming along, ready for a happy landing on a chocolate bar.
See this talented kid do the tootsie roll
For Vasilisa Senko it¡¯s just a piece of cake.
If you smile or laugh too much, ooh ooh
You¡¯re sure to get yourself a tummy ache.
7:50 pm

Subbu's Kids, Hindustani classical music

Jay Manchiraju is a sophomore at the Princeton High School and lives in Princeton. He has been learning Vocal Hindustani classical music from his guru Hemant Kulkarni at Svar Sangam School of music in South Brunswick for about 4 years. Jay is also learning Western Classical Piano for the past four years. Jay has performed at a number of venues. Jay's brother is a talent in his own right.
8:00 pm

Patricia Dougherty, Poet

Patricia Dougherty earned a BA in English from Wilkes University and an MA from SUNY-Albany in British and American Literature. She has taught both English and ESL for 35 years at various high schools and colleges, including Princeton University, Rutgers University, and Bloomfield College. She also has studied poetry in classes led by many contemporary poets, including Paul Muldoon, Sharon Olds, and Billy Collins. Her works have been published in several collections, including Gathering of the Tribes and Maelstrom. She has read at The Poetry Project in NYC and The Carriage House Poetry Series in Fanwood, NJ.
8:20 pm

Novo*Rodeo -- Contemporary Rock/Country

Novo*Rodeo returns to Cafe Improv after two years on the honky-tonk and swimming pool circuit. "We are happy to get out of our fancy-tooled touring leathers and return to our Princeton roots." Suz, Greg and John welcome Jonathan Millen, sitting in for Roland on the drums..
8:40 pm

Peter Demeo -- Singer-Pianist

Mr Demeo is a virtuso performer who impressed the Cafe Improv talent scouts at the Lambertville "City Market" open stage. He trained in piano at the University of North Texas after growing up in Long Island, then returned to New York as a side man in a blunch of bands before going solo. He moved to the New Hope area more recently. He gave "Roll on River, Roll" as a songs about his life on the water. Mr Demeo said he'll be presenting a repertory of originals at this January Cafe Improv.
9:00 pm

David & Jared Winograd - Separate or together

David and/or Jared Winograd have performed together as a duo at Cafe Improv three of four times in the past. They are skilled classical musicians on piano, saxophone, and other instruments. We're not sure of the configuration of the act for this January Saturday, but it will not doubt show impressive virtuosity.
9:20 pm

Benjamin Bailie Johnson - Superstar Runner

Splendid indie-pop-rock music from a proficient cabaret performer. We've known Mr Johnson from various venues in central NJ. He performs as "Superstar Runner" and "I Am a Dragon." Mr. Johnson played at Cafe Improv several years ago. This January he might be accompanied by a friend on one of his numbers.
9:40 pm

Dennis Liana - Folk and Contemporary Musical Stylings

Cafe Improv's booking agents ran into Dennis Liana at Karla's Open Mic in 2015. He played a commendable set and impressed the audience. We had known Mr. Liana's father from a decade or two ago, and it was good to renew contacts with the family. ---
10:00 pm

Giovanni Padovano -- The Ironbound Crooner

Mr Padovano is an old friend, who has graced our stage on multiple occasions over the last two decades. He is a regular at many venues up and down the Jersey shore. His music is a combination of folk, pop, and rock. His gravely voice improves any musical genre he chooses. ---
Café Improv Surprise
the crew often takes the stage

At the tail end of the evening, strange occurrences can be expected as the crew and the performers together feel strangely moved to express themselves musically in a jam session.

  This list is subject to change so visit the Cafe Improv web site regularly.